GS++ (WIP)

GS++ is a fast SLP indexer, validator, and graph search server. This means you can query for the full DAG of transactions in order to trustlessly verify SLP transactions.

We provide public access via gRPC at and REST with a limit of 10 reqs/second.

Swagger-UI View on Github

Here's a simple example:

Using GS++ we are able to to query txid 602c..92fb and receive back a corresponding DAG such as seen below.

Using this data users are able to perform validation of the SLP transaction using a variety of methods. Our internal validator is able to process tens of thousands of transactions per second (with caching).


We take testing and security very seriously. We continually run tests against the slp-unit-test-data repository and have a variety of proprietary unit tests to help ensure GS++ and other implementations are accurate and in line with each other.


GS++ uses American Fuzzy Lop to perform automated test-case discovery to find crashes and differences in validity, checking between multiple SLP Validation implementations. Here are some of the fuzzers we have developed which have already tested billions of SLP transactions.


Instructions on how to use GS++ can be found on GitHub.

You may also find assistance from the following chat rooms:

Projects using GS++

If you are using GS++ please let @Blockparty_Sh know on Telegram :)